Thursday, March 8, 2012

Disney's FASTPass

So Disney is cracking down on FASTPass abuse. I just want to clarify and review the rules about using FASTPasses. The FASTPass was launched in 1999. FASTPASS simply put is a piece of paper that holds your place in line. Previously when you were exploring the Disney Theme Parks you had to wait in the long lines to ride your favorite attractions. Now that Disney has come out with the system all you have to do is walk up to the attraction, and find a FASTPass machine.
OK so it's not quite that simple, but it is in concept. When entering the park, decide what you want to ride or see the most. Once you have that figure out walk (or RUN! [safety first]) to that attraction. Before you enter the ride queue(LINE) look outside, and find the FASTPass distribution area. Approach the machine, and insert you ticket. A FASTPass will print with a 1 hour window within which to return. During your appointed time go back to the attraction and enter the ride at FASTPass return line. That's how simple it is.
 It has been stated that guests were coming back to the attractions after their appoint 1 hour window. The USA Today spoke to a Disney spokesman who said that the new enforcement is intended to make things fair for all park visitors. But the same spokesman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that if extenuating circumstances keep guests from returning during the allotted hour, Disney employees will deal with that on a case-by-case basis. Basically this means get back to the attraction within the time given on the pass. If you have a problem returning then try and talk with the cast members to rectify the situation.

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