Monday, March 12, 2012

Rainy Days at Disney

So today's post I am going to talk about a few things that you can do to stay dry and not leave the parks. After the recent rain that I have had at home the past few days my wife, and I have been talking about the ways that we find to still have a good time in the park. The first thing that I would offer is to have a long lunch. Many times the afternoon showers here in Florida will only last a few minutes of even maybe an hour at tops.
The best thing to do is find a restaurant that you want to eat at before the rain starts. When the rain hits you and everyone else are going to be looking for a dry spot. All of the eateries will be pretty well full. So have a little plan in place first. OK so what do you do it's not lunch time and the skies separate? Well there are always things inside to keep the whole family entertained. If your at the Magic Kingdom perhaps think about going to Either the Hall of Presidents or The Country Bear Jamboree for a half hour break from the rain. Also, there are plenty of shopping opportunity for the shoppers in the family either at the Emporium or Mickey's Star Traders, or even the huge Pirates gift shop. At Epcot all of the countries have many things to do indoors. Almost every country has an informative video which I love (my wife hates them). The kids can have fun with all of the Kidcot designing activities. In future world Innovations East and West are always offer a lot of  whole family games. The land, and The Seas with Nemo and Friends let you kill some time. Don't forget Ellen's Energy Adventure is about a 45 minute ride (use the Bathroom 1st). The shopper in the family will be in heaven at Mouse Gear. At Animal Kingdom hop in the train back to Raiki's Planet Watch. Try to go to the Finding Nemo live show. Try not to get to wet prior to entering. It can get a little chilly in the theater. Hollywood Studios has many show to be seen. From Indiana Jones to The American Idol Experience, and The Beauty and the Beast.

The most important thing to remember on a rainy day at the Walt Disney Parks is that you are on VACATION so  HAVE FUN! You may hate rain back home, but as a cast member once said it's Disney rain you only think your getting wet.

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