Thursday, April 12, 2012

Top 10 Items for your Disney Park Bag

Today I am going to tell you some of the things that I believe that you should never go to the Parks without. First, let’s talk about you bag. Choose a bag that will be comfortable for long periods of time. My wife likes thin straps, but I like wide straps. Think of who will be carrying the bag the majority of the time, and cater to them. Also, DON’T choose a bag with a lot of zippers (it has to be checked). Pick a bag that is going to be durable, and withstand the daily riggers that will become of a Disney Park Bag.

OK we have the bag now let’s fill it. This is a list of things that I always have in my bag no matter the season. I do add things depending on the time of year, but these are a constant.

1. Sunscreen- Florida has a high UV index year round, and you definitely don’t want to get a sun burn on your vacation. That’s what weekends are for!

2. Hand Sanitizer- Use it frequently. You never know who just rode Space Mountain before you.

3. Water Bottle- Not just a Dasani bottle either. Florida is extremely hot, and you must stay hydrated. Fill it with Free ice water from any restaurant at Walt Disney World.

4. Band-aids- The best thing for this is to grab a travel sized first aid kit, and toss it in the bag. If you’re like me you will use it often.

5. Hand towel- I keep it in the bag for everything. Use it to cool off or clean-up.

6. Pain Reliever- I keep a small bottle with Tylenol, Advil, allergy pills, tums, and anything else that I might need for the day.

7. Ponchos- One thing to remember about Florida is that the weather is unpredictable. Learn from my mistakes, and just pack it. I have like 16 because I always forgot it.

8. Reusable Straw- This is especially true at Animal Kingdom, where all the have are paper straws.

9. Chap stick- Not so much for me, but the wife. Use a chap stick that has some sunscreen in it. This will help year round.

10. All purpose wipes- Like baby wipes. These are great for wiping off dirty tables, hand rails, and chairs. We use a lot of these while we are in the parks so be sure to pack more.

Well so now that you know what’s in my bag, I hope that you will be able to build your Disney Park Bag.

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